Counselling for women in midlife and beyond


Her Time is a psychology practice dedicated to supporting those who identify as women through the transitions of midlife and beyond. While each woman's journey is unique, common themes may emerge during this time. External change, significant life events, and the physical impacts of midlife can present both challenges and opportunities for growth.Throughout years of experience in this field, it has been a privilege to support many women to challenge the dynamics and patterns that have characterised their earlier years but which may no longer serve them as they embark on a new phase of life.

It's never too late to be what you might have been.George Elliot


Mid life typically occurs between the ages of 40-60 years, although the transition invited by this period may begin sooner or extend beyond these ages.It’s a time of life that can be characterised by significant change for many women, both internally and externally. These changes can invite profound questioning about life, relationships, priorities and purpose.

Our experience of midlife may be impacted by:

  • The physical changes and challenges associated with perimenopause and menopause.

  • Reflecting on work achievements, career trajectory, and considering new directions or roles. Adjusting to retirement, whether chosen or not chosen.

  • If you have children, navigating a changing relationship with them as they become more independent.

  • Increasing role caring for aging parents, which may also be coupled with caring for children or grandchildren.

  • Coming to terms with the end of the child bearing years, which may be especially challenging for some women who have not had children.

  • Evaluating the quality of relationships with partners, family members, and friends, and reassessing what you need from these connections.

  • Processing the impact of significant life events, such as losses associated with death or divorce.

  • Taking stock of physical health, adjusting to changes in physical abilities and capacity.

Every woman will have a different experience of menopause

For women who go through menopause - perimenopause usually starts in her 40’s and on average it lasts 4-6 years (but can be 1-10 years). Declining levels of oestrogen and progesterone can cause a host of symptoms - physical, psychological and emotional. 20% of women experience no symptoms, 40-60% mild to moderate symptoms and while 20% suffer severe ones.Just to name a few there’s... hot flushes, mood swings, lowered mood, feelings of frustration or irritability, anxiety, decreased interest in the things you used to enjoy, reduced energy levels, sleep disturbance, brain fog, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, loss of sex drive. Appropriate support during this time is crucial, whatever form that may take.

The changes that characterise midlife may invite deep reflection

Perhaps questions about unexplored aspects of life and identity, goals that remain unfulfilled or reconsidering those aspirations entirely, contemplating your legacy and the impact you want to have on others and the world, exploring deeper spiritual or philosophical beliefs, seeking greater personal fulfillment and inner peace, existential questioning about the meaning and purpose of life

You may find yourself asking...
What is most important to me now? What makes me feel fulfilled?
Who do I want to spend time with? What legacy do I want to leave?

We can learn something new anytime we believe that we can.Virginia Satir


Midlife may present challenges through which additional support might be helpful to navigate. It's also a time of life can also provide fertile ground from which to embark on a journey of self-discovery and renewal.Counselling offers a safe space for you to explore your experience, and build understanding and awareness. It may also help to process specific issues or to think through repeating patterns which are not serving you well and are impacting on positive wellbeing.I have decades of experience in counselling and building supportive therapeutic relationships that have allowed women to expresss themselves authentically. Utilising a number of evidence based psychological therapies, I tailor my approach to suit you, as we work together to enhance awareness, strengthen well being and facilitate positive change.

WHAT TO EXPECTThe first session is focused on gathering information about what is going on for you and what you hope to achieve through counselling, and discussing a plan on how best to move forward. Another important focus of the first session is forming a collaborative, warm and respectful working relationship. How counselling then progresses depends on your needs and goals, and how you decide to engage with the process.In terms of the length of time that might be required, if you would like to address a single discrete problem with relatively straightforward causes, then shorter term therapy, such as 3 - 6 sessions, is likely to be a reasonable length of time for you. If you would like to change lifelong or entrenched patterns, with more complex causes, it may be helpful to attend therapy for a longer period of time.Fees are $190 for a 50-55 minute session. A Medicare rebate of $96.65 is available with a Mental Health Care Plan from a General Practitioner. Some private health insurers provide rebates for psychological consultations.


Hello, I'm Julia Symons, a psychologist who values sharing in the process of creating meaningful and connected lives. I was drawn to my work through my passion for growth, change, and my deeply held belief in the capacity of everyone to realise their potential. I've worked in the field of mental health field for close to thirty years; being employed across the government, not-for-profit and corporate sectors. I've been employed in private practice for the past fourteen years.Of all the areas I have worked in, supporting women in midlife to discover lives that truly reflect their authentic selves has been the most fulfilling. It's a privilege to witness women evolve and grow into their potential. My personal journey through the complexities and possibilities of midlife has further deepened my passion for this work.I am registered with Australian Health Practitioner’s Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the Psychology Board of Australia, and am a member of the Australian Association of Psychologists.

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one
wild and precious life?
Mary Oliver


Telephone: 0490 912 604

If you would like to talk about the possibility of making an appointment, please call and leave a message on voicemail. I will reply to your message as soon as possible. If I’m on leave this will be stated in my voicemail message.Session are offered online, as well as from consulting rooms in Melbourne.

We acknowledge we live and work on the lands of the Boon Wurrung and Dja Dja Wurrung peoples. We pay respect to Elders, past and present, and commit to working alongside First Nations people for Treaty and justice.

Website created with Carrd. Image credit - Kenrick Mills.